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Born 1956. 


Falmouth School of Art 1977-79
Liverpool Art School 1979-81
Ragdale Lake Forest, Illinois 1984
Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, Virginia 1984
Macdowell Colony. New Hampshire 1983, 1985
Karolyi Foundation, Vence, France 1982, 1984
Artwork / Drawings reviewed at the Metropolitan Museum in New York, January 1984
Curator / Organiser  'Wunderland' Kiruna, Sweden-Ostrava, Czech Rep.  2001-2003.
Curator /Organiser   'Art Wall' Prague, Cz Rep. 2005-2006

One man Exhibitions

Billboard Art  Project, Glasgow, Edinburgh Sept-Oct 2020
Glasite Meeting House Edinburgh  Nov 2015-Feb 2016
LaFutura, Barcelona Nov-Dec 2013
DayNight, London, Wandsworth Film Studio Sept 2009
Brno Museum of Arts (DUMB) Bruno Feb-April 2006,
Wall Gallery, Letna, Prague June-July 2005
Galleri Tvrdohlavi, Prag 2003
Universal Nod, Prag  2001
Galleri Danielsson, Borgholm, Sweden 1999
Gallery MXM, Prag, 1996
Olle Olssons Hus. Solna 1994
Alviks Strand, Stockholm 1993
Lunds Konsthall, Sweden 1991
Galleri Enkehuset, Stockholm 1989
Sander Gallery, Soho, New York 1984
Bridewell Gallery, Liverpool 1983
Environment Gallery, Manchester 1981

Group Exhibitions

Orbus Pictus, Prague, March 2007.
Safari 7, Prague, June 2004
Wunderland  Ostrava(Cz Rep)-Kiruna(Sw). Sept 2003 
Wunderland  Kiruna(Sw)-Ostrava(Cz Rep). Feb 2003
Water is Life. Wettling Galleri. Stockholm 2001.
Flying moose. Artists House. Stockholm 2001.
Rudolfinum, Prague, "HNIZDA HER-Nests of Games" Culture Capital of Europe. January/February 2000
MIR Space Station, European Space Agency, First Exhib in Space 1996
Sander Gallery, New York, Dec/Jan 1985
K.A.M. Stockholm, September 1987
Chicago Art Fair May 1986
Chicago Art Fair, May 1985
Sander Gallery, New York, Dec/Jan 1985
London Film Coop, Summer Show 1982
Northern Young Contemporaries, Whitworth Gallery, Manchester 1981
100/4 Liverpool Artists. Liverpool University 1980
100/3 Liverpool Artists, Liverpool University 1979


Performance Action

The Effigy, Galleri Futura. Poblo Sec Barcelona March 2013

Blue Sea, Sandvik Sweden summer 2010

Galleri 761, Ostrava,Cz Rep. Blue Monday  Dec 2002
Rudolfinum Prag. Jan/Feb 2000. 5 Performances.
Live TV, Sending from Galleri Nordenhake, Swedish Television 1, Stockholm 1993
Schloss Glucksburg, Schleswig-Holstein. 1993
Haus im Lutzowplatz, Berlin 1993
Kulturbolaget. Malmo 1993


Kulturfond.A.F, 2001,2003
Swedish Institute 2000,2002 
Swedish Embassy in Prague 2000, 2001
Konstnarsnamden 1991
Swedish Film Institute 1987
Outsider trust 1983
Merseyside Arts 1982
Merseyside Arts Trusts 1981


LM Ericsson Sundbyberg
Facit-huset Stockholm
MacMeckarna Malmo and Stockholm
Gullstrom och Westerberg. Arkitects, Stockholm
M.T.I Engineering. Lund
Private Collections, Czech Republic, Sweden


Inside Worlds, Outside Worlds, University of Stockholm 1990
Money Kills Art, C.E.R.A.M. Maeght Foundation, Nice 1990
Rooms of Desire, University of Lancaster 1990
Rooms of Desire, ECAM Lecture Series, Stockholm 1990
Post- modernism, Art and Death, London School of Economics 1988


Selected Bibliography

Wunderland Feb 2003/Sept2003 curator and participant
TV4 Nyheter
Kulturnyheter SVT1
Dagens Industri,
Swedish Radio International
Associated Press(Miami Tribune, New York Times,Las Vegas Sun m.m)
Hospodarske Noviny, Prag
Umelec(konst tidningar-cz-Rep))
Atelier(Konst Tidningar-Cz Rep)
N.S.D, Norbotten Kuriren
Cz T.V, Czech Radio

Artwall organiser and and participant. 
Widespread Coverage. National Newspapers, Magazines, T.V, Prague Czech Republic 2005.  inc Mr Blue crosses the river



Barcelona TV, Exhibition coverage on Culture programme 2013
50 year anniversary Catalogue Lund Konst hall 2009
Atelier Art Magazine, Cz  August 2004
Umelec Art Magazine Czech Republic March 2000, June 2001
Lidovny Noviny, Prague Feb 2 2000. 2003
Hospardaske Noviny, Prag Sept 2003
DNES culture page, Prague May, 1996
Czech National Radio, Vltava (Prague) 1996, 2003
Czech T.V, Sept 2003
Siksi Konsttidning. February, 1994
Aftonbladet January 23.1994
ZTV Swatch Ahead, broadcast October 9-20, 1993
Aftonbladet Tv-review, March 27, 1993
10 newspapers, south sweden.Lund Konsthall exhibition 1991
London Review of Books, Robert Post, February 21,1991
Aftonbladet, Ingamaj Beck, January 14.1990
Dagens Nyheter, Lars 0 Ericsson, December 20, 1989
Languages of Law. From Logics of Memory To Nomadic Masks, P. Goodrich (pp 297-323), Weidenfeld Nicolson.1990


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