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Defying the Gods
the blue sea
border run
Crossing the river
a fairytale
I turned away from the streets, and the world of men and women, and took a small abandoned earth trodden path, slowly down to the riverbank. The soil being of clay stuck to my shoes, and the weight of this seemed like an endless punishment. In the background the noise of traffic and people died away and for the first time in many years I heard a bird sing in the trees above my head. The grey day I had left behind brightened, but strangely It started to rain softly, the drops fell on the willow leaves, touching them, striking them before slowly running off into the ground. There was strange warmth. The heat rose from the earth and with the rain falling on its red moist surface, a strange ghostlike mist appeared, hugging the ground and the world. I passed thru this and the tentacles of invisible arms swirled around my heavy legs. Yet with strength I carried on until I stood by the riverbank. My head was bowed low as the rain continued to pour softly on my body, soaking my clothes. It seemed pointless to carry on wearing them. They were discarded in a pile. I stood naked on the earth.
Above me the sun and clouds fought for attention, as I watched the river below drift past like an endless dream, branches, and rubbish, all swept past before my eyes. I looked over to the other bank and a small light effervesced from deep in the trees, almost whispering in its silent glow, beckoning me in a weird way to see the world on the other side of the river. It was strange, perhaps I was a little scared, I had to enter the river, but there were turbulent movements on the surface.
Mr Blue had decided after a long rest and occasional liaisons with Mrs Red, to take a walk down to the river, a river that two years previously had been in flood, and in which Mr Blue had nearly drowned.
At that time Mr Blue had been washed down to the Beskedy Mountains on the Slovak border, where he was thrown a lifeline by Mrs Red. She had pulled him to the bank and resuscitated him, and for two years she cared for him, until Mr Blue was ready to return to Prag, and walk from the outskirts to the city center.
Now the rains and storms had been quiet and the river lay calm and tranquil almost empty.
As Mr Blue headed along the river bottom towards the city under the bridges, he came to a dark pool, where a guitar lay broken(1.BROKEN GUITAR), in his reflection he could see that the music was over.
Looking back to the river bank walls the spring of life flowed, Mr Blue thankfully drank the water that sparkled into his hands.
On the river bed fresh water mussels filtered and cleaned, whilst in the distance the river monster crawled and did its dirty work hauling the scrap metal and rubbish from the river bottom.(2.CLEANING THE RIVER)
Ahead the great river wall was barring his way, now holding the river that was unable to flow, contained as a bright sparkling lake, under the castle. Mr Blue worked feverishly to break through with no helpers, but to no success..
Mr Blue felt a great calm, as he walked the waters(3.WALKING THE WATER). But the clear blue day was deceiving, for ahead lay a strange concrete labyrinth. Mr Blue realized this had to be crossed. Back and too he ran, looking to the sun,(4.THE LABYRINTH) eventually Mr Blue realized that before the river could flow again he had to cross the river and fight the green river monster.
A tourist boat called ‘Odyssea“ cruised slowly by.
The sparkling waters reflected the sun into Mr Blues eyes as he looked down to the dark depths below.(5.DARK WATERS)
The strange green machine sat silent in deep water, with little puffs of smoke rising from its chimney,
Like a subdued sea dragon, hiding beside the wall.
As across the bridges the red and white trams of Prag glided silently over Mr Blue's head.
And distant Petrin hill and Strahov Cloister stood proud in the autumn light.
Until that strange creature bellowed again moving across the river bed, hunting, turning towards me with its claws, lowering them, grasping at rocks and mud.(6.SEEING THE MONSTER)
Whilst calm fresh water mussels breath and live in their little cocooned pools undisturbed by that weird monster, that now seems so desperate to get out, bucking and shaking, bellowing as it heads for the bank,
A little while later Mr Blue faced that monster on the rivers edge, (7.MONSTER FIGHT)
Mr Blue returned from over the weir wall parting the waters after returning victorious over the river monster.
To seek high and low thru faces and places, who were close to our heart, and the love that they denied. Mr Blue knew the story well, having crawled the river bottom, fought the river monster, before eventually hopping out the other side, where all those inflicted wounds (8.THE MEMORY) were miraculously healed, when love kissed each and the other. Mr Blue sat down on the river bank in the sun and remembered this tale of dreams and the real, and to forgive.
After a while Mrs Red came to Mr Blue, took his hand and up the river bank, to lead him through the gate, and on to the great bridge that led into the city, where once again Mrs Red love carried them to meet the Spinxs. Mr Blue pissed on one, and on the other Mrs Red played, as they both hated its silly nasty riddles, whilst a very angry Yellow god looked down.