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You can tell a book by its cover

The woven handmade image, reflected a personal interior intensity, that objectified in many cases a deeply personal reflection. ie  Home Sweet Home embroideries above the fireplace. However this has been usurped by an external woven industrial formation which directs an ideology of buy,consume,sex. Satisfaction is guaranteed by a battering array of external medias, forces powers.
This external creation is a surface, that is indeed weaved together, however includes aspirations to some of the former values expressed in hand made textiles.
Combining both is a potent force to direct desire.
However interestingly the woven surface carries also the unconscious desires, the desires of disquiet.
There becomes a question of framing/non framing,  dealing with a world of surface that is spreading endlessly outward, colonising a flat world space(just as international finance does today)
In the film 'Who framed Roger Rabbit' The Toons come into the real world from Toonland.
Here they behave to a certain level, however back in Toonland all hell breaks loose. Anything goes, this is a mayhem of the unconscious. The Toons in the real world 'fit in' and indeed become more/bigger/brighter,than the human actors, but carry pure mayhem under the surface, when Roger Rabbit is given whiskey his unconscious blasts out, and the character madness he has in Toonland is exposed in the real world.


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These flattened bigger than life cartoon characters, are perhaps what we are today, a woven expanded 2dimensional surface, we are all bigger than life. This is most succinctly expresses when 'Doom' is quashed by the acme road roller, and a 3 dimensional human, is quashed to a 2 dimensional cartoon surface. But then the real point is when he re-inflates himself with gas. To become a 3d/2d identity.
Is this our world where we were once 3 dimensional, then modernism/cartoons created a flat world, we became flat cartoon characters in that, but to compensate that loss of perhaps 'humanity' we re-inflate ourselves like a ballon (Doom) to give ourselves a superficial empty 3 dimemensional body.
Is it Jeff Koons or really Jeff Toons!

Weaving depends on two surfaces, old tapestries had disjointed images of the front on the backside, due to the handmade nature of the production.
A sort of image of disquiet that the image on the front didn't show. You had to look at both sides.
In this expanded (industrial/media) tapestry of today, both those sides are on the front, there is no backside we see both together, and conversely this creates an integrated surface...with nothing behind, that however can be hard to contain in the frame,that spreads endlessly outwards, the weave itself giving us the impression of depth, but actually an illusionary one.
and perhaps it is this, our social medias probably express  most obviously.

Rouge et Noir

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